A Banner Day

A new bug will be attending the Bug Party scene. This little drab fellow
has their antennae festooned with colorful flower petals. They'll have a great night.
I noticed my Acanthas* plant's seed pod parts held a strong resemblance to insectile creatures to me. I had always seen the same kind of parallel between Snow Bush* stems and insect legs. I wondered if I could assemble this plant material into an insect-like puppet for the jam-packed shindig. I think it worked.

I didn't think further than my impression. These plant parts looked like bug parts, and they came together easily. I preserved everything with layers of translucent wood glue and matte medium before stacking them together with tacky glue. This was necessary to keep the delicate botanical material from breaking apart when forming with glue techniques. I painted them with a dull taupe color and later finished them with a wash of my favorite diluted walnut ink for texture and toning.

All the bugs at the bash wear their most dressy duds from around the forest. In this guy's case, bright petals hang from their natural feelers.

*plant materials as found in my gardens were dried and preserved for use.


  1. Oh yes, those prickly Acanthus seedpods ! Good find ! Haha, I love the adorned antennae, really ready for party now

    1. Shelley7:30 AM

      heehee, yes! I'm adding photos to he post now showing the plants as found in the garden...


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