Visit from Shel and Daughter Unit A!

Yay! It had been about three years I think since I'd seen Ms. Shel Rasch! (Director of wonderful award winning stop motion films such as Dogonauts and Gerald's Last Day) Too long!

Updated to add that I went to see the Raschs at the premiere of their short; Dogonauts--Enemy Line!

The last time was when she came all the way over to the old loft when I was in bad physical condition during a rush move into this new place and was destroying a lot of the sets and concerned about how to proceed. It meant so much that she came over and gave me some of her good vibrations and told me everything was going to be okay. Her visit then made all the difference.

Shel is one of the extraordinary souls that make you feel better when they are around. There's a rumor that the Rasch family may be moving out of LA for good at some point so it's important to make sure we see each other while she is still nearby. She visited the other day along with the (nearly grown up (!) budding concept artist, Daughter Unit A.

We caught up a bit and I got to show them the new set ups here. I love when I get to show people the jokes coming in the bug party scene. One thing they got to see that hasn't been blogged, is this tiny present with the plain moth. The lid is rigged to open and the moth can emerge and fly away. I embedded the hand-made box into the base (upper left) so only the moth will move during that sequence. The base will be screwed into the set from underneath. What such a moth, with gold on its wing tips, means I don't yet know.

I only snapped the above shots of the ladies updating their signing in our dark hallway on the guest artist boards as they were about to leave because I just wanted to enjoy spending time with them, to take them in as much as possible while I still can.

Hopefully, we'll get to do it again! Because Shel Rasch and her lovely daughter are some of the most talented, interesting people on the planet. Love you guys!


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