Halfland Character Development: Tarn

fyi, Moo.com (a great custom print company) is having a 72 hour sale on all printed products so I thought to grab the opportunity and get a set of miscellaneous art cards made up.

Each card can be a different image with them (!) so I chose a few random art images from the project and others to have made.

While I was looking for character sketches, I came across the development folder for the Tarn sketch. I thought you might like to see some of the intermediate stages of transformation from human to Halfling that took place in Photoshop via layering, coaxing, and finessing.


  1. Hey Shel-shel,

    I'm back!

  2. Hey Mike!
    There's been massive progress here at Halfland while you were frozen in a block of carbonite - too much to take in all at once!

  3. I remember this....cool to see it again!

    and wow Mikes back!!



  4. Whah? The Mighty Hammer strikes upon the Anvil of Amazing still!?


    I was beginning to think we'd never see you again Darkstrider, a terrible horrible reality to consider! Equaled only by the relief and delight in having this sign of you! Thank you so much for saying Hey!~

    H E Y !! back. What's happening? What's going on?! How are you?! Whatcha doing?! Where are you?@! What's new?! Ack.

    Nick, you're right it is as though our Mike has been in some kind of sci-fi device for a millennium, Falcon!

    Coolness of the chillest kind, JRiggs!!

  5. Sorry I haven't had much time to talk... I'm busy getting moved into my new house! As soon as I got back online Shelley, you were the first person I contacted, dropping that mysterious little line. Thank you so much for the birthday phone call! It was amazing to hear your voice in the midst of my exile... but also frustrating because it was a recorded message and I didn't have a number to call you back! I though you had given it to me, but I searched all over and couldn't find it anywhere.

    Anywho, I've made a blog post explaining what's been going on in my life.

  6. oh



    I just went back 3 or 4 pages and scanned over some of your posts. Watched a bunch of the quickies... now I need to smoke a pack of ciggies!!


    Did you start putting steroids in your wheaties??! Did you get bit by a radioactive knitting beetle? Are you beginning to reveal your true identity as a superheroine? I seriously can't believe all the magical progress, and how incredibly AWESOME everything is looking!!!

    I now think of you as one of those people you see on the PBS show Rare Visions and Roadside Revelations, you know where crazy people spent their entire lives building castles out of junk or carving thousands of little fairies out of winebottle corks. Only you're not crazy. Or, well, ok, I guess you ARE, but in a good way, you know? Cause a sane person just can't do what you're doing. But halfland is a lot cooler than winebottle corkfairies.

    Damn Shelley, I am in complete awe of you!!!

  7. See! This is the kind of huge support and encouragement that makes all the difference, Mikee. Impressing you means I've actually done something!

    I'm glad you think something has progressed here. For me, I look at the to-do lists and they seem nearly as long as ever. But there are moments when I see things are actually happening.

    I can't take the credit, even though I'd like to. I think I rather stumbled accidentally into a huge key to these massive projects, helpers! Regular visits each and every week from helpers! I can't recommend this device highly enough. People coming over keeps the solutions popping which keeps the action flowing. I could talk for a year about what a difference it makes.

    Plus, 1/2L isn't all I've done over the last few months. Sure I exhausted myself and now (at our age) mustn't do as much going forward, but man, looking back, things got dun.

    An art class for 60 non artists

    Teaching 10 weeks of pre-ballet to several 7-9 year olds (no photos but picture me moving like a chicken screaming at a bunch of wild-eyed children running with brightly colored silk scarves trialing behind them for an hour solid and it'll be like you are there!)

    Taking ballet class and personally excelling with it 2-3 x/week (again, at our age!)

    Making a private recital for my ballet student (have to still film it and then edit it into a video)

    Many dozens of hours of housekeeping (even though it doesn't look like it at all)

    Designing and producing 2 books and currently making a biggest ever design system that is eight years in development

    Many misc. fashion/art bips

    I have come to conclude that I am indeed not sane. However, when the overwhelm gets too high I focus tightly on a small task at hand and simply keep moving.

    I do not recommend this approach for anyone. It's emotionally and mentally rough going at times. especially when news from the world at large seems so crazy I feel as though the planet changed while I was sleeping and I've become an alien.

    I don't know where the tenacity for Halfland is coming from. I'm thinking that it might be from the whole life/brain effect from really working ballet technique. It's increased my ability to concentrate overall. We're talking my own levels of focus and concentration improving, still relatively weaker than others. [cough *Raschs* cough] but I figure if I can begin shooting (!) in the next few months, I might be able to edit a few scenes by 2013, making Halfland a 20 year winebottle corkfairie!


  8. Not just ONE wb cf... actually you'd have a thousand winebottle corkfairies, all tucked almost unnoticed into one obscure corner of HalfLand, and they'd be DANCING!!!!

  9. Now you've got me wanting a Winebottle Corkfairie T-shirt soooo badly!

    You're right the "set" has about 10 micro scene sets in/on it.

    I'm so thrilled you are here, Mike. ;-)

  10. haha darkstrider... your hilarious.

    shelley. love seeing the development of this character. animation in 3 months!!!! I can't wait!! aaaah. so cool.

  11. I know, Rich! Winebottle Corkfairie is my new fav concept.

    Thanks so much for the rooting. Now I'm officially going for that start date!


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