SHOT PREVIEW: Mouse in Pocket

 When I saw the Writing Mouse like this, for the first time ever, tucked inside the pocket of Rana's cloak, my jaw dropped with a big smile on my face. PURE STORY MAGIC!!

It was like seeing the story beginning to come to actual life in a way I hadn't anticipated. Writing out the shot list, it became clear the mouse would be having a little sequence of getting into the cloak pocket, knowing his friends would be taking off right away to the Golden Desert to get help for the stricken Tarn.

He didn't want to take a chance that they'd get underway without him. The bottom shot above previews what a cut-away shot may look like as they trek into the lambent setting sun.

Above that are my test shots of him with various camera settings and character positions, some in the persimmon top hat, some without, some with an oak gall, always wearing his glasses. I've misplaced his journal and quill (:(), but if I don't locate where I put them, I have all the materials to make him another. 

This character is Memory, and he writes down everything that takes place around him. So, an important adventure like this is always welcome.

Seeing this, the finished mouse puppet in the finished cloak pocket kind of smacked me in the face with how the story is coming to reality. More surprisingly, I love the way it's looking!


  1. Have you come across Winter's Blight by Claire Campbell (professional stop-motion film maker)? [Making of] The quality of light and textures in your shot's are as evocative.

  2. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Hi, Jill! Yes, I had somehow seen the short but not the behind the scenes. Spectacular work. Their landscape work is incredible in its magic. Thank you for the lighting compliment! New Zealand's artists have heaps of talent.


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